A short from the Escandell-Torres tandem, this time parodying the genre of secret agents, specifically the Bond saga. It premiered on October 16, 2010 at the Palacio de Congresos of Santa Eulària. One of the directors most complex works. Good art direction and visual effects. Filmed in Cala d’Hort, in front of Es Vedra, using the famous island as the hideout of the evil Doctor Sí. The role of the villain Doctor is interpreted by Javier Marí, who also composed the soundtrack. As a highlight the film was screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 2011 in the Short Film Corner.
Commentary written by Juan Marí Susierra, from the production company Incortum.
Diario de Ibiza. Article by Laura Ferrer Arambarri. October 14, 2010.
Periódico de Ibiza. Article by Laura Tur. January 30, 2012.