A Spanish-French coproduction filmed in Ibiza during the months of November and December 1982. The Spanish investment was provided by Producciones Balcázar, a Catalan company which had also funded some feature films shot on the island, ‘Immoral’ (1974), ‘The Swedish Hot Ibiza’ (1981) and ‘Ibiza bare’ (1982). Also, Jaime Jesus Balcazar was responsible for developing the translation of the dialogues that were recorded in French in the original for the one distributed in Spanish cinemas.
‘Mujeres’ is the first and only film directed by Tana Kaleya. Kaleya has Polish and German origin and she is a well-known photographer. In 1975 she published a successful book entitled ‘Les hommes’, where alongside of portraits of strangers were others of well-known personalities such as dancer Rudolph Nureyev and actors Terence Stamp and Helmut Berger, the latter being the main character of ‘Mujeres’. Berger worked with the director Luchino Visconti in the film ‘The caduta degli dei’ (1969), ‘Ludwig’ (1972) and ‘Gruppo di famiglia in an internal’ (1974), and also starred in the controversial erotic film directed by Tinto Brass ‘Salon Kitty’ (1976). He has a reputation of a troublemaker and during filming in Ibiza of ‘Women’, Berger started a quarrel in a bar.
The movie was filmed in the town of Santa Eulària, and according to an article about the filming published in Diario de Ibiza, one of the houses that appear in the film belonged to the famous pair of Danish artists Frederik and Nina and van Pallandt.
Commentary written by Enrique Villalonga, head of production studio Filmótica.
Diario de Ibiza. November 5, 1982.
Diario de Ibiza. December 9, 1982.