This is a comedy inspired by the television character “Kevin Patterson” created and starred by Harry Enfield for the British sketch programm ‘Harry Enfield’s Television Program’, which began its broadcast in 1990 by the second channel of the BBC. “Kevin Patterson” became one of the most popular characters in British television and inspired the creation of this film, written by David Cummings.
‘Kevin and Perry Go Large’ also counts with the participation of Welsh actor Rhys Ifans, who also took part in other films like ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1′ (2010) and The Amazing Spider-Man’ (2012). He starred ‘Mr Nice’ (2010), based on the biography of Howard Marks, a controversial marijuana dealer. Marks lived in Ibiza and Mallorca, although in ‘Mr Nice’ all footage are of the capital of the Balearic Islands.
‘Kevin and Perry Go Large’ was distributed in Spain under the title ‘Kevin i Perry: ¡Hoy mojamos!’. The film was shot in England and Ibiza. In the film there is footage of the outside part of Es Codolar airport, Santa Eulària des Riu, Benirràs Beach, the Amnesia club, the Marina district, the port, and the Es Botafoch lighthouse. The shooting began on August 30 1999 in Ibiza, involving more than 300 extras from the local area.
Commentary written by Enrique Villalonga, head of production studio Filmótica.
Diario de Ibiza. By Xico Luy. August 30, 1999.