Film made for British television, based on the novel by Colin Butts ‘Is Harry on the boat?’ (1997). The writer came to Ibiza in 1983. Just like the characters of his book, he was a travel representative. While doing this job, Butts was writing down on a daily journal all the anecdotes that happened which eventually inspired the situations narrated in his novel. In order to publish it, he founded an editorial called Tuesday Morning Publishing. In 2000, with ‘Is Harry on the Boat?’ he acheived bestseller and Butts began writing a second part, entitled ‘Is Harry Still on the Boat?’ (2003).
Most of the film was shot in Ibiza. The exteriors were filmed at the airport and in the town of Sant Antoni, whose nightlife areas are dominated by English tourists.
Following the success of the book and the film, a TV series was also filmed under the same title. Although the shooting was set in Ibiza, the series took place in the town of Almuñécar in Granada and had a different movie cast and crew.
Commentary written by Enrique Villalonga, head of the audiovisual production Filmótica.