Debut feature which through these three stories, performed by the same actor, the director begs the question: What would have happened if we were born the same day but elsewhere? The short film was made based on a similarity found by Julio Herranz, between the main story and the ‘6 personajes en busca de autor’ from Pirandelo. It was awarded in several festivals. Awarded with Best Leading Actor and nominated to Best Screenplay at the ‘IV Certamen de vídeo amateur de la cuadrilla de Laguardia’, in La Rioja. He was also given first prize of the audience award and as best film in the ‘I Muestra de cortos Es Rovell de Portmany ‘ of Ibiza, together with first prize in the video section in the ‘X Festival of Cinema of Girona’ and a jury award at the ‘III Festival nacional de cortometrajes Almería tierra de cine’.
By Julio Arche Gómez, of production studio Incortum.